Thursday 10 September 2020

JUJUBE TREE - Thursday Tree Love

 Jujube fruits are tropical fruits, rich in Vitamin C and strengthens bone.

This Jujube Tree caught our eyes on our way while an evening walk. It's the first time, I have seen this tree.

My son loves Jujube, he was excited to see it. 

Sharing this for #Thursday's Tree love 95 at Parul's space.


Alana said...

My first time for seeing a jujube tree. I do remember candies named "jujube" from my childhood in New York Ciry. Nice to know they are nutritious but I wish I could remember what they tasted like.

Priya said...

I've eaten the fruits but had not seen the tree!
Nice captures :)

Dr Genevive Angela said...

I love eating these fruits remember eating as a child, they used to sell near the school gate. Now i don't see this fruit. Thanks for sharing, you reminded me of my childhood:)

shalz75 said...

Oh this reminds me of the huge BER berries that I see here on roadsides - wondering if they are the same. Oblong green color fruit, almost the size of an egg.

I agree with Alana, the word did remind me of Jujube candy from my childhood - actually I still love them a lot :-)

Parul said...

I have never had this fruit. Interesting to know and so glad that you shared the tree and also a close look of the fruit. Thanks for joining Shama. See you on tomorrow.

Pr@Gun said...

Wow, thanks for sharing this pic, I had never seen a jujube tree ever. So nice to see the fruit peeping all over. Loved it.