Tuesday, 8 September 2020
DIY - Lighthouse (Needles Lighthouse)
Saturday, 5 September 2020
- Drew the rough draft of the model.
- Chose the box sizes to suite his structure.
- He created the model with his own perceptions.
- Stayed calm and focused on perfections.
- Took two days completely to re-create it.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Sunday, 12 July 2020
FACT FILE - Importance of Précis Writing in Children
Fact file is an interesting activity for children. It helps to learn the facts about the things chosen. My son had to prepare fact file about any one of extinct animals in Ice Age.
I personally consider this activity as one of the child's cognitive development activity. They get opportunity to read more resources, collect the information and then precise facts from the gathered information.
A precis is a summary. Precis writing is an exercise in compression. Explaining the whole information in as few words as possible giving all essential facts.
By this practice of writing, children learn quickly and able to speak or write only the important piece of information to be shared rather than an elaborated statements.
We can practise our children with précis writing method while learning and it's an easy way to quickly revise the concepts or understand in a better way.
Happy Parenting !!
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
- Sudden outburst of tears with no reasons
- mood swings
- restlessness
- distracting from their homework
- less appetite
- loneliness ; since they miss their friends in school, they try to talk with their dolls considering them to be their buddies .
- Let's not build their stress by questioning them, " What happened ?" in a firm voice. Instead, hug them tightly, comfort them and tell them, 'Let's play together'.
- Slowly, cheer them up and engage them up by reading stories, play with them or craft with them. They need diversions to get them involved.
3 ) Robot is set. Allow it to try completely. We allowed to dry for a day.
5) The next day, paint and decorate the robot using colours, pompon balls and pipe cleaners for antennae.
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Learning about the Solar System? .
Yes, today we are sharing a fun filled activity for learning solar system. Each and every child have unique way of learning styles which makes them different from the other.
- Some children, read the book, understand the concept and learn, write the concepts thoroughly.
- Few loves only to read and learn the concepts but doesn't show interest in writing.
- Few will only love to write down their learnt concepts, doesn't show interest in telling or explaining or reading loudly.
and there are many more learning approaches or unique styles.
Classroom observation or attending the whole session without distraction plays an important role in child's learning process.
- Some children will observe the teacher teaching in the class. Try to make notes or points to remember, read the learnt concepts back in home. Encourage such children to work more on making journals of their regular classroom activities to support their learning style.
- Few may not able to recollect the learning in the classroom, they don't remember the concepts. It doesn't mean that the child is having a learning difficulty or disability. Some of these children will be able to understand the concepts when taught through visuals of the concepts either by a drawing or videos or pictures.
In general, whatever may be their learning style, hands on experience activities by themselves will definitely make children to remember things better.
My son painted the Solar System, using finger prints and recollected the concepts thought in his class. He was able to rightly label the planets in order, spoke about the planets and galaxy. Here, comes how he created the solar system.
Materials Required :
Waste transparent snack box case
Poster colours
Steps Followed:
Clean the case. Dry it out. Draw concentric circles. Colour mark the planets using finger prints and decorate the system with stars.
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
I am sharing an interesting and simple Science project for primary school Children, explaining Ozone depletion on the occasion of Earth day awareness week
As a part of parenting, scheduling our time with our children is the most important responsibility of us. Creating projects on their own will help children to gain knowledge about the theme taken, they would explore more and it's a practical way of learning. When children are involved in doing their school projects, they remember things in a better way or learn the concepts easily. Generally, projects are hands on experience activities for children.
Here, we designed a simple DIY model explaining the reasons or causes of Ozone depletion.
Learning process :
1) Explain the concept taken for the project.
Our project is about Ozone depletion. Explain the children about it, by reading out the concept from textbooks or any articles. You can show them some videos as well. Make it like an interactive session.
2) Help them to write or make quick notes on what they have learnt.
3) Ask them, how they want to present their projects. Make their collective ideas.
4) Tell them that they should do on their own with the support from us.
5) Help them to get the required resources or materials for the project.
6) We ended up in doing a simple display self explanatory model. I involved children to collect the pictures of various sources causing depletion like Refrigerator (emitting Chlorofluro carbon), Factory(emission of CO2), Pesticides, Fire extinguishers, CO2 from vehicles, Forest fires and Deforestation.
7) We did a paper collage of earth surface. We used 4 kebab sticks, tooth picks and a thick base board.
8) We drew Sun and cut out the template.
9) Glue the pictures of Refrigerator, Aerosols, Air Conditioner, Deforestation to the tooth picks and pin it to the base board.
10) Design the model of the factory using play blocks, use a toy car, we used corn fibres for forest fire remains, small tins as Pesticides can. Glue it to the base board.
11) Glue 4 kebab sticks to the corners of Earth College with Sun paper cut in the centre piercing a ray of UV through Ozone layer because of depletion.

This model conveys and help the kids understands what are the toxic emissions that causes hole in ozone leading path for the direct UV rays from the sun.
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Puzzle solving focuses on child's shape/pattern recognition, hand & eye co-ordination, concentration, fine motor skill development, visual perceptual skill, memory, sense of judgement, creative and problem solving skills, reasoning and sense of pride, boast up the confidence and cognitive skills.
The End product of their creation will give them happiness, satisfaction and whole lot of achievement.
Solving puzzles will always be an interesting learning programme for children.
Recently, we got these 3D puzzles for my 8 year old to boast up his confidence level and to observe his problem solving and reasoning skills.
We are happy to see the outcome of the puzzle activity by him solving it all alone without any support from us, following only the instructions booklet.
Each creation has nearly 150-200 pieces. He completed all the three creations in a week's time. We truly adore his efforts, his timely act when something goes wrong or any mistakes done. He has proven his skills once again and makes us feel proud parents in teaching and giving them activities which focuses on his development.
Happy Parenting to all the lovely parents !
Friday, 31 January 2020
Hi ,
Today, I am sharing the role of Origami in child's development. Children would from the age of 5 years and above would love to tear paper mostly try to make boats, aeroplane, four cups or paper popper. This is one stage of activity, children would do as a phase of their growth. At times, we get irritated on the seeing the crumbled crushed bits and bits of paper around. But, pushing the mess aside, look the other side of the activity done by children.
Paper cutting or folding or Origami is a wonderful activity that develops the child's eye and hand coordination development. It's one of the best activity for fine motor skills development, Math Reasoning, arranging in sequence and the foremost is observation, concentration and focus on attention.
These creations of Sword and Ninja blades as named are made by my 8 year old. I tried to re-collect the moments, how did he developed his interests in this activity. Then we gathered some insights from him to know better. Here it comes from the interest started.
We re-created our childhood play, when it rains heavily, we play with paper boats using newspapers. But, back now , when my children wish to play in rain, we allow them to wear their raincoats, make some paperboats and play in the puddle.
We designed our own costume for their fancy dress competitions involving them too in cutting templates, design armour, cow, sword, plough etc. We never go for any readily available school projects for their exhibition either science or any subject activity. I have shared few projects in my page as well. ENGLISH ADJECTIVE PROJECT, SCIENCE OZONE PROJECT
These interesting activities involving children will help them to gain interests to create their own. These Swords with their holder and Ninja blades are created by my younger one. As they are studying about ancient history of different rulers and their kingdom, iron age, created these on his own.
How these activity comes with Parenting is a big question? . Definitely YES, parenting plays a major role. Kindly allow children to do their projects or activities on their own. As a parent, guide them and help them to get their required accessories or resources. Just allow them to do on their own, make them an independent learner. The Output of their own project or activity will be always special and a unique one gaining them more insights of the concept shared.
Let them play with paper, don't stop them, just guide them to play safely. Happy Parenting !!!
Monday, 27 January 2020

Saturday, 26 February 2011
Sending this to Shruti's Artsy - Craftsy Challenge - Tissue Paper
We drew a tree , mountain , waterfall , river, hut , sun , birds and a rainbow . She painted the mountain with watercolour . River and Waterfall with crepe paper .
Hut with crepe paper and stripped tissue paper roof ,water coloured brown .
She enjoyed doing this . Hope your kids also enjoy doing this . Have a great week end .
Happy Parenting !!
Hi , Today, I am sharing some drawings of my children, theme ' Festivals of India' . Linking it up with Shrut...
Art integrated Activities or Projects with children are always fun. Today, I am sharing an interesting activity for learning adjectives. ...