Monday 13 April 2020


Puppets are in general attracts children. They love and get amazed by watching puppets show. Puppets play an unknowingly vital role in child's communication skills. A Soft toy or a doll acts as a puppet for children. Most of the children love playing with soft toy. They think and consider them to be their best buddy and starts to speak with them, either they use them to convey their parents or play with their friends.

I still remember playing with a soft puppy doll, naming the doll, feeding it and carry it wherever I go. Sometimes, playing and talking alone with soft toys will bring emotional disturbances in them. 
As parents, we should observe them and be aware of all their stories carefully. Not all children will have such disturbances. May not all parents get time to play and speak with the children because of their work schedule. Better you communicate with your children everyday not to let them trapped by such disturbances.

In a smart way, we can take care of our children. We can teach them how to use the puppet or play with it. 

Puppets can be used as props for story telling, use them to teach daily lessons to your children. Anything delivered in an interesting way, help children to remember the concepts. Puppets are vital teaching aid/tool in preprimary education.

Let's make everything interesting for our children to learn concepts naturally. 

Instead of playing with a gifted toy or a puppet, their happiness doubles if they create their own puppet. How will they miss the fun while designing their own puppet. 

Let's roll on our sleeves and create our puppet.

Materials Required:

Any old wooden beaded bracelet or a necklace.
Decorating pipe cleaners or strings
Old bangle and threads.

Steps to be followed:

1) Cut out a pipe liner of your desirable size. Add beads to them to design a doll.

2) Attach strings to the hands of the doll and tie the strings to the bangle.

3) String doll puppet is ready to share you a story.

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